











SECTION A.             There was established on the ninth day of October, 1975 a Local Union

                                    Retired Worker Chapter, which shall be named RETIRED WORKER

                                    CHAPTER OF LOCAL 892, UAW.







SECTION A.             Retired Worker Chapter shall be subordinate to the Local Union and the

                                    International Union, UAW. None of the provisions in these By-Laws shall

                                    conflict with the By-Laws of the Local Union or the International

                                    Constitution. [see Article 55 Section 1 subsection E] (08/10/09)


SECTION B.             All retirees must register to be eligible for membership in the Retired

                                    Worker Chapter of Local 892, UAW, such registration shall consist of

                                    the Retirees name, address, phone number and last four digits of

                                    their Social Security number. The Local Union shall be required to

                                    furnish the Regional Office and the UAW International Retired

                                    Workers Department, a list showing the registration and subsequent

                                    additions and/or deletions in the Chapter membership. The Financial

                                    Secretary of the Local Union shall be required to keep such

                                     list up to date, with help from the Retired Workers Chapter Officers.(08/10/09)


SECTION C.             Registration for membership in the Retired Workers Chapter of

                                    Local 892, UAW shall be available to all UAW retirees living in the

                                    geographic area of Local 892, UAW. (08/10/09)








SECTION A.             Membership in the Retired Worker Chapter is available to all retired

                                    members, provided they are eligible under Article 6, Section 19 and

                                    Article 55, Section 5a of the International Constitution, UAW and

Article 2, Section D of these By-Laws, and who so register for

membership with the Chapter.





SECTION B.             Any retired member eligible for membership in the Retired Workers           

                                    Chapter in accordance with Section A above, shall pay voluntary dues to

                                    the Retired Workers Chapter. Such voluntary dues shall be in the amount

                                    Two Dollars ($2.00) per month.


SECTION C.             Voluntary membership dues may be authorized by the retiree through

                                    the Local Union check-off system or the retiree may pay such dues to

                                    the Financial Secretary of the Retired Workers Chapter each month.

                                    The Financial Secretary of the Retired Workers Chapter shall be required

                                    to submit all such dues received to the Financial Secretary of the Local

                                    Union who, in turn will forward all such monies collected to the

                                    International Secretary-Treasurer, who shall disburse such funds in

                                    accordance with the requirements of Article 55, Section 5c of the

                                    International Constitution.


SECTION D.             A former member of the Local Union, who is receiving a vested or

                                    deferred pension under the Local Union contract, is eligible for

                                     membership in the Chapter, by paying Two Dollars ($2.00) monthly

                                     membership dues to the Retired Workers Chapter, unless he/she is a

                                     retired member in good standing of another UAW Local Union.


SECTION E.             Where a former member of a Local Union voluntarily separated himself

                                    from the jurisdiction of the Local Union and retired out of the jurisdiction

                                    of the Local Union or unit, and such employee desires to participate

                                    in the Retired Workers Chapter of his/her former Local Union, he/she

                                    would be permitted such opportunity under the following circumstances:


                                    1. He/She would be required to make application to the Local Union

                                        Retired Worker Chapter.


                                    2. If accepted by the membership of the Chapter, such acceptance

                                        would be on the condition that he/she would be required to pay

                                        the Two Dollar ($2.00) retiree dues to the Chapter and his/her

                                        membership would be limited to participation in the Chapter only.


                                    3. He/She would not be able to hold office in the Chapter, nor would

                                        he/she have any membership rights, as guaranteed UAW Retirees under

                                       Article 6, Section 19. Such membership in the Chapter would be

                                       deemed fraternal and gratuitous only.


SECTION F.             1.Associate Status-The spouse or surviving spouse of any retired

                                    member may request and receive associate status in a Local Union

                                    Retired Workers Chapter, with full rights of participation in its

                                    activities. Such associate, however, shall not have the rights of a

                                    member of the Local Union as set out in Article 6, Membership, nor

                                    those described in Article 6, Section 19, which addresses retired UAW

                                    members. To receive Associate Status, the spouse or surviving spouse

                                    must file an application for Associate Status with the Retired Workers

                                    Chapter of Local 892, UAW. Subsequent approval by majority vote

                                    of the Chapter is required. (08/10/09)



                                    2.Any associate member eligible for membership in the Retired Workers

                                    Chapter shall pay voluntary dues to the Retired Workers Chapter.

                                    Such voluntary dues shall be in the amount of Two Dollars ($2.00)

                                    per month or $24.00 per year, payable in January of each year.


                                    3. Associate Status in the Retired Workers Chapter of  Local 892,

                                    UAW will be governed by the Administrative Procedures of

                                    Article 55, Section 7 of the Constitution, set by the International

                                    Executive Board at its regular meeting on March 7, 1994. (08/10/09)


SECTION G.              1. Retired Workers Chapter Member Transfers. Where a member of a

                                    Local Union is transferred from one Local Union to another, under

                                    a Corporate Collective Bargaining Agreement and upon retirement

                                    is desirous of returning to her/his original Local Union to establish

                                    membership and participate in the activities of the Retired Workers

                                    Chapter, such member may do so with the understanding that her/his

                                    membership rights in her/his original Local Union would be limited to the

                                    Retired Workers Chapter and not in the Local Union according to

                                    Article 6, Section 19, of the International Constitution.


                                    While participating in the Retired Workers Chapter only, S/he may hold

                                    Retired Workers Chapter Office, but may not be a candidate, nor be

                                    elected as the retiree representative on the Local Union Executive Board. (08/10/09)


                                    2. Retired Worker Transfers between Local Unions. Where a member

                                    is retired from her/his Local Union in accordance with Article 6, Section

                                    19, and desires to participate in our Retired Workers Chapter rather than

                                    their own Local Union, such retired member must make application for

                                    transfer to our Retired Workers Chapter and if such application is

                                    approved by affirmative action of the membership of our Retired

                                    Workers Chapter, her/his retiree membership may be transferred.


                                    Such membership in our Retired Workers Chapter will be limited to the

                                    Retired Workers Chapter only and s/he will have no membership right in

                                    Local 892, UAW in accordance with Article 6, section 19. Her/his rights

                                    of participation would be limited to the Retired Workers Chapter. S/he

                                    may hold office in our Retired Workers Chapter, but would not be

                                    entitled to be a candidate for, or elected to the Retired Workers Chapter

                                    position on the Local Union Executive Board. (08/10/09)






SECTION A.             There shall be a membership meeting of the Retired Workers Chapter

                                    at least once a month in accordance with Article 55, Section 1a of the

                                    Constitution. Meetings shall be held the second Monday of each month,

                                    unless a change is deemed necessary by a vote of the membership. If a

                                    meeting is changed, all members in good standing must receive notice

                                    of the change.



SECTION B.             All retired members of the Local Union Chapter in attendance at a meeting

                                    shall constitute a quorum.


SECTION C.             The following Order of Business will be followed for Chapter meetings:


                                                1. Roll Call of Officers

                                                2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting

                                                3. Initiate new Chapter members

                                                4. Financial Report

                                                5. Communications and bills

                                                6. Reports of Officers, Committees or Delegates

                                                7. Report of Local Union President or designated


                                                8. Unfinished Business

                                                9. Good and Welfare

                                              10. New Business

                                              11. Adjournment







SECTION A.             The Local Union Retired Workers Chapter shall have the following


                                    Chairperson, 2 Vice-Chairpersons, Recording Secretary, Financial

                                    Secretary and Sergeant-At-Arms.






SECTION A.             CHAIRPERSON: The Chairperson shall preside at Chapter membership

                                    and Executive Board meetings, sign all vouchers authorizing withdrawal

                                    from Chapter funds, and appoint all committees subject to the approval

                                    of the Chapter Executive Board.


SECTION B.             VICE-CHAIRPERSONS: The 2nd Chairperson shall assume the duties

                                    of the Chair, in the absence of the Chair and the 1st Vice-Chair.


SECTION C.             RECORDING SECRETARY: The Recording Secretary shall keep

                                    minutes of all Chapter membership and Executive Board meetings, read

                                    all documents and conduct the general correspondence pertaining to

                                    the Chapter.


SECTION D.             FINANCIAL SECRETARY: The Financial Secretary shall maintain

                                    contact with the Financial Secretary of the Local Union, and when

                                    authorized to do so, sign vouchers requesting disbursements by the

                                    Local Union from the Chapter funds. He/She shall report to the

                                    membership regarding the status of the Chapter funds.




SECTION E.             SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: The Sergeant-At-Arms shall introduce all new

                                    members and visitors and shall assist the Chairperson in preserving

                                    order when called upon to do so.


SECTION F.             The Chairperson or 1st Vice-Chairperson shall serve on the Local Union

                                    Executive Board with voice and vote. The Chairperson or 1st Vice-

                                    Chairperson shall attend all Local Union meetings. (08/10/09)







SECTION A.             All officers of the Chapter shall be elected by secret ballot. These

                                    Officers shall be elected by majority vote and shall serve for a

                                    period of three (3) years.


SECTION B.             Any recently retired member or any member, who is a registered member in

                                    the Chapter for a three (3) month period or more,

                                    is eligible to be a candidate for Chapter Office. (09/10/01)


SECTION C.             Nominations for the triennial election of Officers shall be held in August

                                    2001, and the election will be held in September 2001, and every three (3)

                                    years thereafter. Installation of Officers shall take place at the next

                                    regular membership meeting following the election. (04/29/00)


SECTION D.             All vacancies in Chapter offices, except the office of Chairperson, shall be

                                    promptly filled by election. In case of a vacancy of the Chairperson,

                                    the 1st Vice-Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson and an

                                    election shall be conducted for the office of 1st Vice-Chairperson. (08/10/09)


SECTION E.             The 1st Vice-Chair and 2nd Vice-Chair shall be elected separately.








SECTION A.             The membership in attendance at a meeting is the highest authority of

                                    the Retired Workers Chapter-PROVIDED NO ACTION IS TAKEN

                                    NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE BY-LAWS OF THIS CHAPTER.


SECTION B.             Between membership meetings, the Retired Workers Chapter Executive

                                    Board shall be empowered to act on behalf of the membership to the

                                    extent that urgent business requires prompt and decisive action, subject

                                    to the general policy established by the Chapter membership, the Local

                                    Union and the International Union, UAW.





SECTION C.             The Retired Workers Chapter Executive Board shall hold at least

                                    two (2) meetings per year or more, whenever the occasion arises

                                    and is deemed necessary.


SECTION D.             Between meetings of the Retired Workers Chapter Executive Board,

                                    the Chairperson shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Executive

                                    Board in consultation with the Local Union President, subject to the

                                    general policies established by the Chapter, and the subsequent approval

                                    of the Chapter Executive Board and membership.







SECTION A.             The Local Union shall provide for representation to those Councils by a

                                    delegate or delegates form the Local Union Retired Workers Chapter

                                    and the President of the Local Union or his/her designee.







SECTION A.             Representation to the Regional Retired Workers Council shall be elected

                                    by the Retiree Chapter.








SECTION A.             The Chapter Committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the

                                    Chapter, subject to the approval of the Chapter Executive Board. Any

                                    spouse of a dues paying member may serve on any committee, if approved

                                    by the membership. The following are appointed committees:

                                    Organizing and Membership, Recreation, Community Services, Anti-

                                    Discrimination, Sunshine, Education, and Citizenship and Legislative.







SECTION A.             All membership dues collected or any dues checked-off which may be

                                    received by the Local Union Financial Secretary shall be submitted to

                                    the International Financial Secretary-Treasurer, who shall allocate such

                                    monies to the respective bodies in accordance with Article 55, Section 5c

                                    of the International Constitution, UAW.


SECTION B.             All monies collected by and on behalf of the Retired Workers Chapter shall

                                    be kept in the funds of the Local Union by the Local Union Financial Secretary

                                    and shall be disbursed upon request of the Retired Workers Chapter upon

                                    presentation of a bill signed by a Chapter Officer, stating what for and with

                                    an expenditure voucher properly filled out.


SECTION C.             Chapter Officers or members who incur special expenses in carrying out

                                    authorized Chapter business may be reimbursed:


                                    1. Actual fare or auto mileage, parking fees, registration fees, and meals

                                    when the authorized work involves eating out.


                                    2. For authorized attendance activities or conferences requiring an

                                    overnight stay, the reimbursement shall be for incurred transportation

                                    costs (comparable rates), parking, hotel accommodations (not to exceed

                                    $50.00 per day), registration fees, and up to $35.00 per day for meals

                                    and incidental expenses. Receipts for compensation shall be turned into

                                    the Retiree Financial Secretary.


SECTION D.             The Retired Workers Chapter will receive an up-to-date Financial Report

                                    of the Chapter funds and expenditures, from those funds, provided by the

                                    Local Union Financial Secretary, each month.


SECTION E.             All expenditures must have prior approval of the membership. Expense

                                    vouchers must be properly filled out for all expenditures.






SECTION A.             Proposals to amend these By-Laws may be submitted at any regular

                                    Chapter meeting, either by the membership or by the Local Union. The

                                    proposal or proposals submitted will be reviewed by the Retired Workers

                                    Chapter Executive Board and the Local Union between meetings.


SECTION B.             The subsequent recommendation of the Chapter Executive Board relative

                                    to the submitted By-Law’s provisions shall be presented at the next regular

                                    Chapter meeting for action. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership in

                                    attendance shall be required for adoption. Upon adoption by the Chapter

                                    membership, the proposed amendment(s) shall be placed on the agenda

                                    of the next regular membership meeting of the Local Union for ratification.