Local 892 Retiree Catches the Big One
Complements of the Saline Reporter
It would have been just another of those "ya shoulda seen the size of this fish I caught the other day! " stories so Jerry Lauwers dutifully drove his catch directly to The Saline Reporter offices so it could be properly documented. Fishing companion Leonard Burk verified that, indeed, Lauwers caught the 40" pike in Alien Lake off U.S. 12 in the Irish Hills two weeks ago. Lauwers, who lives in Saline and is retired from Ford, testified to the sharpness of a pike's teeth when he cut his finger on them while wrestling with the fish in preparation for the picture. Lauwers estimated it weighed in at about 14 or 15 pounds. Caught at midday, Lauwers was trolling with a Johnson silver spoon to land the pike.